Readings: Jer 31:31-34. Heb 5:7-9. Jn 12:20-33
One of our biggest temptations in life is the desire to manifest/be manifested now. We ask, why be glorified later when we can be glorified now? We shun the death of daily discipline in our endeavours, and choose the apparent liveliness of gratification. We shudder from the pain of having Truth branded onto our hearts. The pain that I encounter is to me an unwelcome, yet inevitable, visitor to tolerate.
Pain, difficulties and challenges could be part of the system that forms us for a future and greater manifestation. This seems to depend on our attitude towards these difficulties and challenges.
When we allow them to kill what needs to die within us (could be a character flaw, for example), we’ll rise up better, at a higher level of efficiency and effectiveness, and better able to manifest more glory.
Our experience with seeds vividly shows us that a seed gains more, and delivers more, by its apparent ‘death’ than by its living in ‘safety’.
May Jesus Christ grant us the grace to recognise his presence in our lives daily, and to live our lives based on this awareness.