Readings: Dt 4:1-2,6-8. Jas 1:17-18, 21-22, 27. Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
There are so many things we do that are useful in life, sometimes even imperative. Some of these things we learn through routine and they become part of our lives. This is especially in relation to personal care practices like grooming. For many of these, we may not normally ask questions. They may even be done so often that they unconsciously become part of our lives. There are other practices where it’s important to ask questions concerning purpose.
There are many practices that we learn to carry out from our tribes. For example, we take on practices from our religions, ethnicities, schools, clubs, colours, political convictions, etc. Somehow, we forget to ask why, or even whether, our tribes chose these practices. We do them mechanically. Actually, we find that the way we live our lives is at variance with what these practices would propose or presuppose. We’re not conscious.
May Jesus Christ, the fulfillment of meaning, grant us the grace to do whatever we do with consciousness.