Readings: 1Sam 3:3b-10, 19. 1Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20. Jn 1:35-42
Generally, we’re all called by God, each one in a particular way, to do some good in the world. Even though what we do might look small and insignificant, the good that we all do compounds to make the world a better place. Of course, we sometimes don’t do the good we ought to do. Instead, we do less than we could, or don’t do anything in that line, or do the bad that we shouldn’t do. That too compounds to the disadvantage of the whole.
This call comes to each one of us in different ways; some dramatic, some mundane, some subtle. On our part, we need to pay the necessary attention to discern what it is that we’re called to. Many times, we need the assistance of others (maybe more knowledgeable, more experienced, possessing clearer spiritual vision, etc) to help us in discerning this call. And to bear abundant fruit in our particular vocation, we need a cooperative and creative submission to the Caller.
May Jesus Christ grant us the grace to discern what we’re called to, and to respond positively and fruitfully to this call.