The State House Anti-Corruption Unit working with Police have arraigned a former head teacher of Gulu High School, a government-aided school, and his former Senior Accounts Assistant, Okema Geoffrey before the Anti-Corruption Court in Kololo on charges of causing financial loss and conspiracy to defraud.
According to investigations, Picho Kennedy and Okema Geoffrey, who were joint signatories to the Gulu High School account with Stanbic Bank, withdrew funds amounting to UGX 336,374,052, which were meant for Gayaza High School but had been credited to their school account by mistake.
The accused then used the funds for personal use, knowing well that their actions would cause financial loss to the bank. They have been remanded until 21/02/2024.
The State House Anti-Corruption Unit has stepped up the fight against corruption. On February 2, they arraigned Lira businessman Etwop Geoffrey before the Chief Magistrates Court in Lira for alleged fraudulent procurement of a Certificate of Title.
It is alleged that the accused Etwop Geoffrey between 2017 and 2020, presented a letter dated 23rd December 2019 to the District Land Board and Lira MZO among other land application documents purporting that the Physical Planning Committee Lira Municipal Council had approved his application to be granted a freehold title for Plot 16-18 Soroti Road Campswahili Central Division under minute number LMC PPC 083/12/2019, which was not true.
The land in question is a public open space according to the approved Physical Plan of Lira Municipal Council 2016-2026.
On January 17, the Unit arraigned Mugume Deus before the Nakaseke Chief Magistrates Court on a charge of Fraudulent Procurement of Registration of Title. It is alleged that the accused fraudulently procured the registration of a land title, Block number 796 plot 79 found in Bulemezi-Rukumbi measuring 70 acres from his mother, Nyiramafaranga Margret.
Mugume Deus allegedly forged transfer forms purporting to have been signed by his late grandmother Kangyezi Jenesta, who had died about a year ago. He later sold the said family farm land to a one Ruta Ngambwa who is being investigated by the Unit after receiving multiple land grabbing cases against him in areas of Greater Luwero.